Why Doesn’t My Business Show up On Google?

Well, the easy answer is that it’s not supposed to… at least on it’s own.  Google sends out these crawlers called “bots” to comb the internet 24/7 and with over a billion websites currently online and over 200,000 are being added each day.

If your website shows up on Google on it’s own, without you doing SEO or anything to get it there, then you just got lucky.  Once it gets there, the goal is to get it up on the first page.  It’s a time-consuming and complicated task and to be successful at SEO, it requires a lot of knowledge and experience.

We’ve been building, analyzing and optimizing websites since Google’s inception and we are very good at it.

We will start the process with a Free 15-Page Website and SEO Assessment to find out why your website is ranking the way it is and what we have to do to quickly move it up.