Small Business(or any size business) Marketing Checklist

Sometimes getting started on something new and maybe part of the issue is that you don’t know where to start or how to stay on track. I put together a checklist of what I feel are the most important things to get started on to get a dramatic bump in leads and phone calls coming in to your business.

I’m going to give it to you for free, no strings attached.

When I first started in my career, my mentor was(is) really big on providing a lot of help, a lot of content, and a lot of answers to our followers. I asked him once, “Aren’t you worried about giving away all your information?” His answer has always stuck with me. He replied, “If this is all that I have to teach, then I shouldn’t be a consultant.”

Download it and get started on it right away. You might not know what some of the stuff on the list is. I might have a video or article written on it but if not, It’s probably on my list to get done and will upload it as soon as it’s completed. In the meantime, feel free to shoot me an email or give me a call and I will answer the question for you.

Click the button below to download

Need More Leads? Here is a good place to start.