The most important technique you can apply to your sales process

The most important technique you can apply to your sales process

the-most-important-sales-techniqueThe prospect’s first impression of the gym is not how you look or how the gym looks, but how you sound over the phone or how you interact with them immediately upon walking through the front door. You will have only one chance to make a good first impression. Following the previous thought process that many inquiries are just looking for a way out in the first place and are hoping that you do something that they don’t like, this becomes even more imperative.

The most important technique you can apply to your sales process is the ability to focus on the prospect and give them your full 100% attention.

You must focus 100% on them and be in the moment despite any other distraction that might be going on around you at the time. Your day, your mood, your feelings, the phone, the other staff members around you, the random member conversation… everything becomes second to the prospect. This concentration, coupled with spending enough quality time, giving a thorough tour and fully answering all of the prospect’s questions, goes a long way toward building the trust it takes for the sale to happen.